Snow Queen Masque Revelers Celebrate Twelfth Night

1/11/10  at 5:59 AM

On a frosty magical night, gentlefolk gathered high above Caledon Rothesay to dance in the Snow Queen's forest. Revelers dressed in costumes waltzed away the evening to the musical styling of Gabrielle Riel of Radio Riel fame on Twelfth Night, this past January 5th, 2010. Ladies and gentlemen arrived from all over the grid to celebrate the ending of the holiday season.

Snow Duchess Eleanor Anderton greeted her guests amid the icy blue and silver trees with snow flurries and ice crystals showers.  Guests were given ballots to start writing down their favorite candidates for the best costumes.

Snow Queens danced with Russian Princes, Pirate Ladies whispered secrets to Magical Beasts, and Devilish Gentlemen waltzed with Fairy Ladies. Dressed in their winter finery the dancers circled in folk dance rings or slow waltzes in a fantasy land of snow and ice.

Excitement was high as the guests visited with friends and neighbors from around the Steamlands - Caledon, New Babbage, Winterfell, New Toulouse, Steelhead, Antiquity, Victorianna and more.  Guests started marking their ballots for Best Costumes in many categories.  Winners were announced at the end of the party as follows:

Devilish Gentleman - PJ Trenton
Dangerous Lady - Anna Darwinian
Winter Princess - Breezy Carver
Winter Prince - Starling Alecto
Magical Beast - Professor Heliotrope Lionheart
Magically Feathered - Autopilotpatty Poppy
Pirate Robber Gentleman - MadManinc Zapatero
Pirate Robber Lady - Serra Anansi
Heroine - Annechen Lowey
Hero - Baht McMahon
Bewitching Sorceress - Vulpine Eldrich
Enthralling Sorcerer - Bullpup Udal
Lord of Misrule in honor of Twelfth Night - Iason Hassanov
Snow Queen in honor of Twelfth Night - Elspeth Woolley

The party guests stayed on after the ending hour -  reluctant to leave the Snow Queen's forest at midnight.

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